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Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with overlaid hexagonal frames showing various business and technology-related activities, symbolizing innovation portfolio management

Innovation Portfolio Management

nnovation Portfolio Management balances short-term and long-term, low-risk and big-bet projects.

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Curved road leading into a modern cityscape illuminated at night, with blurred lights suggesting motion and speed

Build your Innovation Strategy & Roadmap

Build your Innovation Strategy & Roadmap: Key to overcoming common innovation failures.

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Three hikers at sunrise, with one hiker helping another climb a rocky hill while the third watches, symbolizing support and teamwork in scaling up


Our webinar on Scaling-Up helps you master the Corporate Innovation Playbook for success.

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Person using a tablet to control robotic arms in an industrial setting


Validate data points to support or invalidate assumptions, avoiding costly and risky initiatives.

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Person holding a light bulb with a cloud download icon inside, surrounded by digital icons representing ideas, innovation, and technology


Why ideation is crucial in innovation and methods to guide and prioritize the process.

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Overhead view of a busy city intersection with yellow taxis and other vehicles, symbolizing dynamic and fast-paced innovation similar to digital start-ups

How corporates can innovate like digital start-ups!

How Business and IT can boost innovation together, with best practices and real-world examples.

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Hand pointing at a digital interface with colorful data patterns and a central icon of interlocking gears, symbolizing customer analytics and growth navigation.

Customer Analytics: your navigation system towards growth

Why leaders must act on data insights and how to begin a growth analytics journey.

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Webinar speakers

Eric de Groot

Partner, RevelX

Co-author of DARE. Start-up mentor. > 25 years of experience consulting C-level on business model transformation.

Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Key note speaker on disruption. Co-author of DARE. Start-up mentor and board room consultant on innovation.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Innovation Readiness Benchmark architect. > 25 years of experience in strategy and innovation. PhD in strategic management.

René Jongen

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in top-line growth with > 25 years of experience in marketing and sales; supported over a Billion € in top-line growth.