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RevelX Innovation Strategy Playbook

This playbook will explore the Innovation Strategy Canvas by diving into the 6 building blocks on how to create a good innovation strategy.


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CEO Innovation Guide

Everything you need to know as a leader of your organization about Innovation Management.


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Innovation AI Tools

Generative AI is extremely useful in your role as innovator. It can help boost creative output and gain an edge over competitors.


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The Innovation Growth Lab Playbook

The Growth Lab Playbook, where the future of your organization begins to unfold! Brought to you in partnership between RevelX and Qmarkets.


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RevelX Innovation Playbook

Demystifying corporate innovation and its challenges. The methods, tools, canvases and definitions any corporate innovator needs to succeed.


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Innovation Portfolio Management Playbook

Succeed in designing your innovation portfolio, managing your funnel, reporting on your innovation portfolio, and making stage-gate decisions.


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Corporate Venturing Playbook

Many organizations still rely heavily on their own capabilities. Instead, they must get out of the building to become more successful in innovative growth.


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Innovation Portfolio Management Framework

Designing and strengthening your innovation portfolio makes a critical contribution to your overall innovation performance.


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Innovation Readiness Benchmark Report

Find out how best-in-class innovators innovate, which best practices they apply, and how they brace themselves for disruption. Almost 200 companies participated in the IRB.


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Get DARE now!

DARE provides a framework for calculated risk-taking. The book guides you through a 10-step journey to finding innovation in uncertainty. Get your copy!


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CEO Talks eBook

Learn how 7 corporate executives are tackling their innovation challenges in this CEO Talks e-book.


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MVP Toolkit

A consumer centric framework to ideate, design, test and validate new products and features. On steroids.


RevelX Canvases

Need to design a customer persona? How about a growth strategy? We got you covered. Download these and many more free RevelX canvases to get you in the right mindset.
