Sound of Data and RevelX partnered to define a clear vision and develop a future growth strategy.
Sound of Data provides the technology and the channels for personal contact between customers and organizations. As a niche player, Sound of Data specializes in inbound voice connections and televoting applications for the entertainment industry.
In a series of high impact, intense workshops the Sound of Data management team worked with a small team from RevelX to tease out the essence of Sound of Data’s business model. We assessed the risks and opportunities for the business and created a vision for future growth. In a number of workshops with key team members, we tested our assumptions and built a strategy execution plan for Sound of Data.
Our work resulted in a clear vision of Sound of Data’s vision, the growth strategy and the necessary steps to be taken by the team to execute on the growth strategy. Through our close cooperation and personal approach, Sound of Data team members were able to closely relate to the growth strategy and derive new energy from the assignment.