The three stages of growth: Initiate – Create – Scale

When we took a closer look at the process of growth within organizations, we were struck by the analogy with the…

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Leonardo da Vinci – the quintessential growth entrepreneur

Leonardo da Vinci blended intense observation skills with theory, experimentation and multidisciplinary use of…

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The origins of DARE

Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel-Prize-winning psychologist and bestselling author of Thinking Fast and Slow, describes two…

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Innovation is hard work!

If you look up the word ‘endurance’ in a dictionary, the definition reads: “the ability to withstand hardship and…

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Innovation needs its fair share of realism – the flipside of creativity

The adventurer immerses himself in experiments while the realist looks for good, clean data to drive decision making.

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Adventurers, explorers and experiments

The objective of embarking on an adventure of dispruption is often to find empirical evidence for a thesis.

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Defiance, the first base for an innovative mindset

Innovation starts with having the courage to do something. To defy and challenge.

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The DARE mindset

DARE starts with having the courage to do something. To defy and challenge. To provoke and be bold in breaking down the…

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Mindset, the Impediment for Innovative Growth

Our own research at RevelX in Innovation Readiness clearly exposes two major issues inhibiting innovative growth.

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