CEO Talks: A one-man show in an apparent up-hill battle

CEO Talks on Innovation: An interview with the Chief Innovation Officer of an offshore and transportation company

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The centralized innovation department

Do you set up a separate (central) department for innovation or not? In practice, there are two main important…

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CEO Talks: Valorization and Co-creation

CEO Talks on Innovation: An interview with the Head of Business Development of a leading Academic Medical Center

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Corporate Venturing, corporates touching the startup world

Corporate Venturing is an innovation process in which an established company enters into a structural partnership with…

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CEO Talks: OEM or Supplier, for you to decide…?

CEO Talks on Innovation: An interview with the CIO of a high-tech equipment subcontractor

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CEO Talks: The Ecosystem

CEO Talks on Innovation: An interview with the CEO of Startlife, the incubator/accelerator of Wageningen University

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CEO Talks: Technology Innovation Theatre

CEO Talks on Innovation: An interview with a Board member of a leading international telecom company.

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CEO Talks: Central or decentral? That is the question

CEO Talks on Innovation: An interview with the CEO of a family-owned company that focuses on facility services.

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Driving growth and improving lives

‘You can do well by doing good’ is a mantra I learned during one of my first visits to India as a volunteer for Women…

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