Google Is Mobile-First – And You?

Google's main index is now "mobile-first." What does this mean exactly? And how does this impact your business?

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8 Inspiring Examples of a Minimum Viable Product

How Amazon, Google and BDRThermea used MVPs to innovate.

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Your Innovation Strategy Should Be a Mindset

In order to arrive at a proper innovation strategy, you have to meet a couple of requirements, but the most important…

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An Innovation Journey as the Key to Success

The Innovation Journey is RevelX's unique approach to innovation. It really works, as two inspiring case studies can…

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25 Must-have Growth Hacking Tools for Marketers

This article comprises a virtual toolbox. Your results will improve almost instantaneously.

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Why Multi-disciplinary Growth Teams are a Necessity for Business

Best-in-class innovators recognize the power of multidisciplinary growth teams. Even the legacy companies embrace them.

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Ideation Process Was Awesome, But Don’t Let It Sit on the Shelf

The ideation process feels sometimes as playtime for adults. But don’t forget to make the next step: doing something…

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Why You Need a Go-To-Market Plan (and How to Create It)

Just launching a product can result in a big success, but that is something that you will not know at the outset. That…

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“Fail Fast, Fail Often”: What It Really Means

“Fail fast, fail often” has been described as “the stupidest business concept of all time.” That cannot be further from…

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Experimentation Culture: What I Learned from the Beatles

The Beatles knew that creativity is not sufficient to innovate. You have to organize a culture of experimentation.

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What Is the Platform Economy (and Why You Should Care)?

"Digital matchmakers" such as Amazon, Airbnb, and Uber are transforming markets everywhere. What does the platform…

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Why an MVP Is Good for Business

You know the kind of business who does things the same way for 30 years? A minimum viable product is a great way to…

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10 Types of Innovation, 3 Horizons of Growth, and How To Use Them

Innovation models can help your innovation projects succeed. But how can you use these models correctly?

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How Value Proposition Design Makes You a Winner

Many teams struggle with defining a winning value proposition. The solution: step out of the building and find out what…

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Be a Leader and Make Innovation Possible

One of the reasons IKEA is so successful is its great innovation culture and leadership. There is a lot you can learn…

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