How to Really Understand the Customer Journey
To understand your customer, you have to know their customer journey. 4 reasons why a customer journey map is your way…
Inside-out or Outside-in? 4 Reasons Why Your Business Has to Change
In the old days, a business model was based on the organization's own objectives. This way of thinking is untenable in…
Partner Vision: Matthijs Rosman on Disruption
“You don’t have to have the most advanced technology or the best prices, as long as you better understand what the…
How Amazon, Google, and Belsimpel Perfected the Customer Journey (And How To Apply These Lessons)
Some companies confuse the different phases of the customer journey, resulting in low conversions. Instead, you have to…
Raphael Nouwen (Triodos Bank): This is Why Investors Say ‘No’!
"Remember, 'no' is not necessarily a value judgment of your initiative."
Partner Vision: René Jongen on Neuromarketing
"It is fascinating to see how some people already perform an intuitive form of neuromarketing."
How to Build an MVP in 4 Steps
Building a minimal viable product is a great way to test your product in the market. To be successful, follow this…
Business Strategy: 4 Steps to Win the Innovation Battle
To innovate successfully, you will need a roadmap to success. Below are 4 winning steps to become a pioneer in your…
Eye-tracking Your Website: 4 Tools and 7 Tips
Eye-tracking reveals the way users see your website. Once this neuromarketing method was too expensive for smaller…
Fail Hacks: 6 Amazing Tricks to Kill Your Conversion Rates
Read these amazing “fail hacks” that keep your conversion as small as possible. And learn what you should do……
Digital Growth Hacker Marketing: The Ultimate List of Amazing Case Studies
24 inspiring examples of growth-hacker marketing in the digital world - from Airbnb to Zappos.
Artificial Intelligence Is Not the Answer To All Marketing Challenges (and That’s OK)
The possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the marketing field are not infinite. What are the bottlenecks?
Predict! And Grow Your Business! (5 Inspiring Cases)
Predictive analytics uses data, predictive models, mathematical algorithms and machine learning to discover patterns.…
4 Amazing Tips to Optimize Your Landing Page and Generate More Leads
To generate a maximum number of leads, you have to optimize every aspect of your landing page. A step-by-step plan to…
Partner Vision: Noud van Alem on Growth Hacking
"In San Francisco, we have discovered what I call the ‘Wizard of Oz’ method."