What Is Agile? 4 Steps to Embrace this Method

The Agile way of working offers many advantages. 4 steps to embrace this mindset.

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What Is Growth Hacking? 3 Definitions

Why is it crucial to know the exact meaning of "growth hacking"? And what is the RevelX definition?

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The Readability Rulebook: How to Write More Effective Copy

Your online copy's readability is crucial. In this article, I will teach you how to write more effectively.

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If You Want To Boost Organizational Growth—Do This!

If you want your organization to grow, you should get started with innovative projects. I will describe 4 steps that…

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6 Steps to Become a First-class Innovator

Innovation should be an integral part of your organization's culture and day-to-day operations. These 6 steps will help…

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You Want to Create a Partnership or Joint Venture? Read This Checklist First!

For a big corporation, a partnership with a startup can be very beneficial, but there are some issues you have to deal…

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Want to Optimize the Customer Journey? Try These Tools!

The concept of the "customer journey" will help you to become more customer-centric. Amazing tips and tools to optimize…

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So You Want to Buy a Startup? Don’t %$@#! it Up!

When acquiring a startup business, there are some pitfalls that you should avoid at all cost.

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How I Used a Go-To-Market Plan to Innovate Home Decoration

This is an inspiring example of a go-to-market plan that RevelX developed in collaboration with an innovative, home…

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The Ideation Rulebook

Roleplaying, brainstorming, or a mock trial – there are many forms of ideation sessions. Read on to learn everything…

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Why Do Big Companies Actually Buy Startups?

It is common for big companies to buy startups. Why, actually? If they are so big, why don't they develop the new…

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How To Build a Growth Roadmap; a Step-by-step Approach

At RevelX, we believe in the advantages that growth roadmaps bring. This step-by-step approach will help you to build…

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What Makes a First-Class Growth Hacker?

Growth hacking is the lifeblood of many innovative organizations. What are the required skills for growth hackers?

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How Your Business Benefits From a Growth Roadmap

A growth roadmap is a document in which you delineate your strategy for growth in a well-organized way. It really…

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How To Accelerate Your Performance Management

Performance management can be described simply as “getting the most out of your employees.” These 5 tips will…

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