The origins of DARE
Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel-Prize-winning psychologist and bestselling author of Thinking Fast and Slow, describes two…
Innovation is hard work!
If you look up the word ‘endurance’ in a dictionary, the definition reads: “the ability to withstand hardship and…
Innovation needs its fair share of realism – the flipside of creativity
The adventurer immerses himself in experiments while the realist looks for good, clean data to drive decision making.
Adventurers, explorers and experiments
The objective of embarking on an adventure of dispruption is often to find empirical evidence for a thesis.
Defiance, the first base for an innovative mindset
Innovation starts with having the courage to do something. To defy and challenge.
The DARE mindset
DARE starts with having the courage to do something. To defy and challenge. To provoke and be bold in breaking down the…
Mindset, the Impediment for Innovative Growth
Our own research at RevelX in Innovation Readiness clearly exposes two major issues inhibiting innovative growth.
Rob Nouwens, new CCO of RevelX
We are happy to announce that we have strengthened our team with Rob Nouwens as Chief Commercial Officer.
Predicting a hit: Intuition vs data science
Managers and entrepreneurs who predict successful innovations correctly, are believed to have better intuitive…
Protected: The Engineer of 2030
The Engineer 2030. Operating in a world of autocatalytic change. Moving towards 80% AI-powered, human delivered…
How to Design Winning Business Models in a Digital World
The five main take-aways to become a successful innovator.
What Is a “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” (And Why Should You Know)?
Spoiler alert: a BHAG will inspire your staff.
Who Is Afraid of the Multi-armed Bandit?
The multi-armed bandit test is one of the primary methods that growth teams deploy when they set up an experiment.
25 Growth Hacks You Can Use Today
Through these growth hacks, you will be able to make improvements to your digital presence. You will see growth in…