5 Reasons Why You Need Content to Enhance the Customer Experience

Excellent content is a must for every modern business. 5 reasons why you should start playing the content marketing…

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Innovation is the Key to Keep Healthcare Accessible for Everyone

Saturday, World Health Day is celebrated all over the world. That is a good opportunity to take a look at innovations…

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The Internet of Things is Everywhere – When Do You Step In?

Many businesses still don't take advantage of the many possibilities the Internet of Things can bring. 3 IoT case…

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3 Reasons Why the Face of Art is Changing

Business and science are not the only areas where innovators are excelling. The art world has always been at the…

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Futurism: Everyone is a Tech Company Nowadays

The biggest bookstore in the world sells groceries. Financial institutions are building apps. It seems everyone is a…

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Futurism Is No Longer a Trend; It’s a Necessity

Due to continually changing markets, it is more important than ever to anticipate disruptions. This is where futurists…

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Who is Afraid of the Singularity?

When the supercomputer comes online, it considers mankind the biggest threat and goes about launching an attack. Or…

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Transportation in 2049: Even More Awesome then in Blade Runner

Did you like the new Blade Runner movie? In 2049, transportation may be even more amazing than depicted in this film.

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3 Examples of Failed Commercial Performance (and What to Learn From Them)

The chain is no stronger than the weakest link. That's true if we are talking about commercial performance too.…

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Learn from the Best: 5 Habits that Grow Your Business (Part 2)

In the first installment of this article I described the characteristics successful individuals and companies share.…

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Learn from the Best: 5 Habits that Grow Your Business (Part 1)

Successful individuals and companies share certain characteristics. Learn these habits, and you will grow your…

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Futurism: 5 Must-read Blogposts on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

We have curated the best blogposts about cryptocurrencies and blockchain for you.

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Low-hanging Fruit: 9 Growth Hacks You can use TODAY

For real growth, a long-term strategy is mandatory. But there is enough low-hanging fruit. Here are 9 growth hacks you…

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Why Big Corporations Should Partner with Digital Startups

What do the CIA, Microsoft, and Salesforce have in common? They understand the importance of startups.

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What I Have Learned From YouTube: How to become more customer centric

YouTube is one of the biggest successes on the web. Of course, there was a big demand for a great product, but there is…

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