Arrangement of black chess pawns forming an upward-pointing arrow with a single golden pawn at the center, symbolizing leadership and direction.

Embedding Innovation in Your Organization

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Embedding innovation in your organization

Organize innovation by providing structure, but also by bending the rules of the game



Best-in-class innovators Organize Innovation. They structure innovation in such a way that it completely embeds in their organization.


As with many things in life, it is all about finding the right balance. Your organization needs to provide structure, well-defined responsibilities on the one hand, empowerment and the freedom to bend the rules of the game on the other hand.

There are many ways to organize your innovation and there are many organization approaches and models. From installing Innovation managers, setting up Innovation Labs or Corporate Incubators, participating in external accelerators and many more.

Depending on the nature of your business and your specific innovation challenges, you must determine what works best for your business.

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why it is important to organize innovation in your organization?

An overview of the many ways (approaches and models) to organize innovation

How to organize Innovation in your organization and choose the right innovation model?


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with overlaid hexagonal frames showing various business and technology-related activities, symbolizing innovation portfolio management

Innovation Portfolio Management

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Innovation Portfolio Management

Innovation is saying ‘no’ to 1,000 things



Innovation Portfolio Management

Innovation Portfolio Management is all about creating the right balance in your innovation portfolio between short-term and long-term innovations, between low-risk and big-bet initiatives, between incremental and disruptive/transformation innovations, and between starting new projects and killing the non-viable ones.

Successful innovators master the art of Innovation Portfolio Management. They monitor innovation projects on well-defined financial or non-financial metrics and manage their progress with the use of Growth boards, Stage-gate models and Metered funding principles. But they are also aware of all the pitfalls, like the internal politics, hierarchical influences (are you familiar with the HIPPO effect?) and many more.

Based on our RevelX Innovation Readiness Benchmark data, Innovation Portfolio Management is the least developed innovation capability of all organizations. However, the high performers in innovation rate significantly better on this. 62% of them actively monitors innovation projects on well-defined metrics and stops projects that are not successful. This in sharp contrast to the low performers of which only 14% does this.

In this webinar, you will learn:

What are the best practices in creating and managing a well-balanced and healthy innovation portfolio?

How to set-up a good monitoring and portfolio management process with the use of stage-gates, well-defined metrics, Growth Boards and Metered funding principles?

How to avoid pitfalls and common mistakes in Innovation Portfolio Management?


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Curved road leading into a modern cityscape illuminated at night, with blurred lights suggesting motion and speed

Build your Innovation Strategy & Roadmap

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Build your Innovation Strategy & Roadmap

Stop investing in a collection of ad hoc innovation projects and make innovation part of your core strategy



Build your Innovation Strategy & Roadmap

Innovation is hard and many innovation projects fail. But why?

RevelX identified 5 key reasons why innovation fails within an organization and why it is so hard to realize a good Return on Innovation. And one of the most crucial reasons is rooted in the lack of a proper innovation strategy.

The RevelX Innovation Readiness Benchmark data shows that only 43% of the 350 participants indicate they have a well-defined innovation strategy and roadmap. And only 46% think they invest sufficiently in projects with a long-term horizon. Our data shows that companies with an innovation strategy rate significantly higher in terms of their innovation performance.

An innovation strategy defines specific innovation ambitions, goals, and themes. It also defines where, how, and when to innovate. And it is closely aligned with your company’s business strategy. It finally defines the key enablers that need to be developed to become a best-class-innovator.

In this webinar, you will learn:

What defines an innovation strategy and how can you align this with your business/corporate strategy?

What are the innovation strategy best practices?

How to design an actionable innovation strategy without lengthy, overcomplicated analysis, reports, and slide decks?

How to use a practical tool, like the RevelX Innovation Strategy Canvas, to design an innovation strategy that works?


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Three hikers at sunrise, with one hiker helping another climb a rocky hill while the third watches, symbolizing support and teamwork in scaling up


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How to turn on the right growth engines?




RevelX recently published the hugely successful Corporate Innovation Playbook. It is the most comprehensive innovation playbook available in the market and was created to help you succeed as a corporate innovator.

We are now taking things a step further and help you successfully apply the playbook learnings to your organization with 4 brand-new RevelX Innovation Webinars.

In this fourth webinar we will cover the topic of Scaling-up. By the way, these webinars are part of a bigger whole, but are equally useful and valuable as stand-alone issues.

The main objective in the Scale-up phase is to generate large volumes of business. Many organizations struggle in this phase. They put off scaling for too long or they scale too soon. Scaling an innovation requires careful consideration. “don’t try to scale it until you nail it” is a popular saying. Yet it holds many truths. Especially in coporate setting, focus on generating early revenues and realizing ROI’s is a major factor in premature scaling.

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why Scaling up is an important step in the innovation process

How to create the right conditions for growth

Balancing management of core business and innovations

Turning on the right growth engines


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Person using a tablet to control robotic arms in an industrial setting


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How to avoid unjustified investments in bad ideas or hobby horses




RevelX recently published the hugely successful Corporate Innovation Playbook. It is the most comprehensive innovation playbook available in the market and was created to help you succeed as a corporate innovator.

We are now taking things a step further and help you successfully apply the playbook learnings to your organization with 4 brand-new RevelX Innovation Webinars.

In this third webinar we will cover the topic of VALIDATION. By the way, these webinars are part of a bigger whole, but are equally useful and valuable as stand-alone issues.

The main objective in the validation phase is to find data points to support or invalidate your won assumptions. If in this stage, you allow gut feel to take over, you risk spending money on the wrong initiatives. This makes innovation a risky and potentially expensive endeavor.

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why validation is an important step in the innovation process

How to assess the true potential of new ideas

How to avoid unjustified investments in bad ideas or hobby horses

Proven methods, frameworks and tools to guide your validation process


René Jongen

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in top line growth. More than 25 years of experience in marketing and sales, both B2B and B2C. Has supported over a Billion € in top line growth for his clients. Uses quantitative methods from his background as applied physicist and engineer. Builds on behavioral psychology and neuro-marketing insights.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Person holding a light bulb with a cloud download icon inside, surrounded by digital icons representing ideas, innovation, and technology


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How to spot, select and create the most promising innovation ideas?




RevelX recently published the hugely successful Corporate Innovation Playbook. It is the most comprehensive innovation playbook available in the market and was created to help you succeed as a corporate innovator.

We are now taking things a step further and help you successfully apply the playbook learnings to your organization with 4 brand-new RevelX Innovation Webinars. In our webinar on the 11th of February we introduced the playbook and introduced three crucial phases of innovation.

In the second of the series we will cover the topic of IDEATION. By the way, these webinars are part of a bigger whole, but are equally useful and valuable as stand alone issues.

In this webinar we will present various real life innovation success stories in which the frameworks and models from the Innovation Playbook have been of great help in the ideation process, seeking for potentially interesting innovations.

The success stories come from various industries and will be presented by the RevelX project leaders who were responsible for these projects.

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why ideation is crucial as the start of any innovation journey

Proven methods, frameworks and tools to guide your ideation process and prioritise ideation results

Real life business and innovation successes that had their start in a sound ideation process

How to overcome ideation challenges


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as speaker, chairman or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Marc Douma

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in strategy development, innovation management and strategic alliances.

All-round perfectionist. Confronts stakeholders with razor-sharp analysis. Develops solutions that work and creates the necessary support. Is at home within complex stakeholder environments. Direct, committed and always with a sense of humor.

Previously, partner at Boer & Croon. Prior to that, Operations manager at Nuon and Senior Consultant at PwC. Holds a PhD on strategic alliances. Contributed to strategic programs at Ardagh, Vitens, Gasunie, Alliander, TNO, BDR Thermea and others.

Trusted advisor for executive boards and management teams during complex strategic transitions.

Overhead view of a busy city intersection with yellow taxis and other vehicles, symbolizing dynamic and fast-paced innovation similar to digital start-ups

How corporates can innovate like digital start-ups!

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How corporates can innovate like digital startups!

co-presented by




Innovation is no longer the exclusive domain of digital start-ups. Although corporates often bear the burden of large and complex ERP and CRM systems, this no longer has to hinder their innovation speed and results.

RevelX and Software AG have uniquely teamed-up to support corporate companies in the creation of new opportunities for business model transformation and new value propositions that would otherwise not have been within reach. Our combined approach to innovation achieves tight integration of the business and technology strategies.

In this webinar, we will demonstrate how you can improve your innovation power and realize your (digital) innovation agenda by using state-of-the-art platforms (API-first and Hybrid Cloud platforms) and in doing so, without complex, costly and risky ERP and CRM migrations.

This webinar is a must for both Business and IT executives who want to learn more on how a well-connected actionable business and IT approach leads to better and faster innovations.

In this webinar, you will learn:

How Business and IT can reinforce each other and accelerate innovation

Best practices that will improve your innovation power

How a global life sciences company executes digital innovations while leveraging a complex ERP and CRM landscape


Matthijs Rosman

Partner, RevelX

Trusted and creative advisor. Specialist in growth acceleration and innovation. Two decades of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales, and service. Combines analysis and creativity to develop surprising combinations. From new digital possibilities to ways to improve commercial results.

Cordial towards others, sharp on details. Continuously looking for growth opportunities. Familiar in B2B and B2C, both for startups and corporates. Frequently invited as a speaker, chairman, or expert.
Excels in digital strategy, top-line growth, customer journeys, omnichannel marketing and connecting startups with established organizations.

Wilfred Harbers

CTO Benelux, Software AG

Wilfred has over 20 years of experience with hybrid data integration, API management, event processing, and analytics solutions. He works in digital innovation projects with clients such as KPN Things for IoT, Akzo Nobel, DSM, Ahold Delhaize and Colruyt.

His international work experience is cross-industry such as in telco, utilities, retail, process- and discrete manufacturing / industry 4.0, healthcare and public sectors.

Wilfred advises companies how they can shape their digital transformation in a flexible and future-proof way and implement it sustainably. With the right balance between openness, integration and interoperability, performance, security, and control.

Hand pointing at a digital interface with colorful data patterns and a central icon of interlocking gears, symbolizing customer analytics and growth navigation.

Customer Analytics: your navigation system towards growth

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Customer Analytics: your navigation system towards growth




Despite the fact that there is a lot of talk about data analytics, there still seems to be something strange going on; Business leaders and in particular sales and marketing leaders, regularly take decisions that are often not in line with what data science supports and predicts.

This mismatch of what data says, and what business does, leaves great opportunities unused. The value of customer analytics provides proven cost savings and is essential for future revenue and margin growth.

And there is more. Most companies have the data already available to take big steps quickly. And there is even often no need for large ICT infrastructure projects to achieve major insights quickly.

In this webinar we share a data-driven playbook for action aimed at answering the following questions:

  • How to determine the lifetime value of individual customers
  • How to use this information to design an effective retention campaign
  • How to find prospects who resemble your most valuable customers.

Implementing a playbook provides insight and help marketers define and design campaigns with optimal effect.

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why business leaders need to act on what data say

The value of data analytics from a real-life case and using a real-life data set

How to start this journey to growth analytics


René Jongen

Partner, RevelX

Specialist in top line growth. More than 25 years of experience in marketing and sales, both B2B and B2C. Has supported over a Billion € in top line growth for his clients. Uses quantitative methods from his background as applied physicist and engineer. Builds on behavioral psychology and neuro-marketing insights.

Bob Rietveld

Head of Growth Analytics

Head of the growth analytics team, with a focus on predictive modeling and experimental design. Previously, co-founder and managing director of a social media analytics agency specialized in creating insights from digital consumer behavior.

Working on a Ph.D. which applies machine learning methods on multi-modal data. Trying to understand how brand and user-generated content impact consumer decision making. An advocate for using the scientific method to answer business questions and realize growth. Curious person focused on substance, not style.

Specialties: Growth Analytics, Customer Insights, Machine Learning, Data-Driven Experimentation