business model canvas

Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas

Understand how your organization creates, delivers, and captures value


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The Business Model canvas helps you understand the customers you serve, how your value proposition is distributed and how your company will be profitable. Use the canvas to understand your own business model or that of a competitor!

Visualize and test your business model by looking at its core components in a systematic process. This is our go-to-canvas when we are involved in developing a business model innovation for our customers. We highly recommend taking a moment to review your business model’s and assess your performance and potential blind spots.

Before you start with the Business Model Canvas

Before starting with the Business Model Canvas, you can do some preparations. Map out the business models of some chosen competitors to gain insight into what customers want and what they are willing to pay for. This way, you can uncover important information on how other businesses have made their own spaces in the market.

3 Advantages of using the Business Model Canvas

  1. Ensure you have a comprehensive overview of your business and its growth drivers
  2. The Business Model Canvas is simple to understand and focussed. This makes it to get started with, develop and iterate.
  3. The business model canvas helps you with the execution steps requirement to take your idea to market.

ideation canvas mockup

Ideation Canvas

Ideation Canvas

Generate ideas that will WOW your customers


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Ideation is often one of the most exciting stages. During Ideation, the aim is to generate a large quantity of ideas that the team can then filter and cut down into the best, most practical or most innovative ones. The end goal; to inspire new and better solutions and products.

The Ideation Canvas offers everything you need to find your next big solution. Use it whenever you want to collect your team’s ideas and decide on a new solution. The canvas will help you create a longlist of ideas, consolidate them and assess the impact and feasibility of your favorites.

Before you start with the Ideation Canvas

Before starting with the Ideation Canvas you can do some preparations. There are a couple of things to consider first:

  • If you have a clear value proposition and customer persona, make sure to keep these in mind when filling in the Ideation Canvas.
  • Make sure to gather a diverse team to collaborate on filling the canvas, this will ensure a broad view.

3 Advantages of using the Ideation Canvas

  1. Quickly list all ideas your team has to improve your product or service
  2. Uncover common themes your team is passionate about
  3. Find out which of your team’s ideas are most likely to result in actual business impact and their feasibility

value proposition mockup

Value Proposition Canvas

Value Proposition Canvas

Innovating with your customer in mind means putting your customer first


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Get a clear grip on what exactly it is that your customer needs. These insights will help you direct your efforts towards addressing your customers’ unique set of needs, objectives and pains. The best place to start for a truly customer centric mindset.

The Value Proposition Canvas allows you to visualize the fit between your product or service offering and the customers’ needs. Use it whenever there is need to refine an existing product or service offering or where a new offering is being developed from scratch.

Before you start with the Value Proposition Canvas

Before starting with the Value Proposition Canvas you can do some preparations. There are a couple of things to consider first:

  • If you have a customer persona, make sure to keep it in mind when filling in the Value Proposition Canvas.
  • Ask your sales team to help fill out the canvas, they are sure to have valuable input

3 Advantages of using the Value Proposition Canvas

  1. The Value Proposition Canvas helps to systematically understand what customers want and it creates products and services that perfectly match their needs.
  2. It collects customer information in a simple way that suits their needs and requirements which allows a more effective design of business models.
  3. A clear Value Proposition gives your team focus by identifying the fundamental initiatives, that will have the greatest impact on meeting your audience’s needs.

persona canvas mockup

Persona Canvas

Persona Canvas

When everybody is your customer, nobody is your customer


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Working with Buyer Persona’s is the first step towards a successful marketing strategy. When you combine the Buyer Profile with Buying Insights, you will have a clear guidance for the decisions you need to make to win their business.

By using the Persona Canvas you can create a profile that represents your ideal customer. This way you gain the ability to tailor your marketing efforts and connect with you target audience to meet their needs and solve their problems.

Before you start with the Persona Canvas

Before starting with the persona canvas you can do some preparations. There are a couple of things to consider first:

  • Dive into your data to find out what kind of people are mostly engaging with your business or buying your product, this can give you insights who your buyer persona is.
  • Ask your sales team to help fill out the canvas they can have valuable input.
  • Don’t make it too complex, focus. So it’s recommended to not make more than 3 persona’s per business.

3 Advantages of using the Persona Canvas

  1. Creating a buyer persona helps you focus your marketing channels.
  2. You now can tailor you messaging towards your customer and also be sure to define the tone of voice you want to use in your communication.
  3. It also helps the rest of your organization in understanding your customer, so you become more customer centric.

growth strategy canvas

Growth Strategy Canvas

Growth Strategy Canvas

Define and develop your growth strategy and get started growing your business


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A Growth Strategy Canvas is used to create a growth roadmap. This is a document in which you delineate your strategy for growth in a well-organized way, taking into account your goals over time. There is not one specific form of a growth roadmap.

Any form will do as long as you make tasks and goals transparent. The Growth Strategy Canvas can help you with this. At RevelX, we believe in the advantages that such roadmaps bring. It worked wonders for several of our clients.

Before you start with the Growth Strategy Canvas

You cannot build a decent growth roadmap without some preparations. There are a couple of issues to consider first:

  • Everything starts with the vision for your product. Be short and concise.
  • You also have to define your “North Star Metric.” How can you find your North Star Metric? Simple, you must understand the value that your most loyal customers get from using your product.
  • Subsequently, determine which key performance indicators (KPIs) help you to reach your North Star Metric.

3 Advantages of using the Innovation Strategy Canvas

  1. An innovation roadmap helps you to organize, prioritize and delegate your innovation tasks in an effective way.
  2. As a manager, you keep tabs on everything that your team members do and why they do it, but it will also help the team members understand the importance of their tasks.
  3. An innovation roadmap helps you estimate how far you are on your path to more innovations.